Remove or insert items in an ‘fixed’ array like int[]

Remove or insert an item in an array.

Use the always useful Array class. It has some static members which are great!

int[] myArray = new int[4];
myArray [0] = 0;
myArray [1] = 1;
myArray [2] = 2;
myArray [3] = 3;

// Remove item 1
Array.Copy(myArray , 2, myArray , 1, 2);
// MyArray contains 0,2,3,3

myArray [0] = 0;
myArray [1] = 1;
myArray [2] = 2;
myArray [3] = 3;

// Insert new item in 1
Array.Copy(myArray , 1, myArray ,2, 2);
// MyArray contains 0,1,1,2

Note: If the bounds of the array are exceeded an exception will be thrown.

The functions below calculate the number of elements to copy.

They use the following arguments:

Array The array to use.
index The offset whereto insert or remove
delta The number of items to add / remove
totCount The number of items currently in the array.

To allow a correct insert the array must be larger than the current numbers (Arrays are not resized). Clearing is optional

void removeFromArray(Array array, int index, int delta, int totCount)
   Array.Copy(array, index + delta, array, index, totCount - (index + delta));
   Array.Clear(array, totCount - delta, delta);

void insertIntoArray(Array array, int index, int delta, int totCount)
   Array.Copy(array, index, array, index + delta, totCount - index);
   Array.Clear(array, index, delta);
Lastest update in May 2011, inital post in May 2011

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